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文章出处:上海松夏减震器有限公司 添加时间:2019-03-05 17:07


   JGD type rubber joint detail: JGD type rubber joint, which make use of the performance of the rubber, such as high flexibility, high air tightness, medium resistance and radiation resistance, feel appropriate and apply advanced degrees, hot and cold safe sex strong polyester tire cord after oblique with the compound, via high pressure, high temperature and pressure model clinch a deal the couplet, a precise and detailed inside carefully refined high density degree, can bear high pressure, elastic variant effect is particularly good.



    Shanghai loose rubber joint structure in the summer of the preset high end arc, curve length, has a large number of displacement function, especially in applied to complex geological conditions, sedimentation rate and cold heat changes in the operation of the pipeline back to more easy to cause pipeline damage.. Shanghai pine xia shock absorber co., LTD., perennial production sales in a flexible rubber joint, such as: single and double rubber ball joint, synthetic rubber joint, flange rubber joints, rubber joint diameter and a series of rubber products.


   可曲挠橡胶接头利用橡胶的弹性滑动位移和变型机械力的传热散逸功能 ,有效的消除泵,阀及管道自身的位移物理破坏。因橡胶属不好传导材料,所以它又是一种令称呼心的下降振荡和噪声传交的理想环保产品,明建牌可曲挠橡胶接头预设内壁光滑,经实际测试,对介质的流速,流量无无论什么影响,况且永不生锈,基本可以免去有效运上路的日子内的维修。

   Shanghai loose rubber joint structure in the summer of the preset high end arc, curve length, has a large number of displacement function, especially in applied to complex geological conditions, sedimentation rate and cold heat changes in the operation of the pipeline back to more easy to cause pipeline damage.. Shanghai pine xia shock absorber co., LTD., perennial production sales in a flexible rubber joint, such as: single and double rubber ball joint, synthetic rubber joint, flange rubber joints, rubber joint diameter and a series of rubber products.

